Monday, October 18, 2010

Controversial of Vaccination

Apparently the German medical practitioners, from doctors to nurses, deny the existence of measles immunization. Rejection was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association "(February 20, 1981) which contains an article entitled" Rubella.

Vaccine in Suspectible Hospital Employees, Poor Physician Participation. “In the article mentioned that the lowest number of participants in measles immunization occurred among medical practitioners in Germany. This occurred in obstetric experts, and other lowest levels occurred in pediatric experts. Approximately 90% of expert obstetric and 66% of pediatric reject rubella vaccine injection.

Then why it can happen? What is the secret behind the vaccine and immunization?
According to research on immunizations that have done since few years ago, tried link it to the method of genetic science in Islam that has little I understand.

The vaccine has been produced and sent to various places in this hemisphere (mainly Muslim country, third world countries, and developing countries), is a project to confuse the nature and character of future generations in these countries.

The vaccine was cultured in the human body that we do not even know the nature and origins. We know that vaccines derived from the blood of patients whose disease has succeeded in fighting the disease. That means in the vaccine contained the DNA of the host from where the virus is cultured.

Have you ever thought of this stranger when DNA is mixed with a baby who is still in a state of holy?

DNA is a summary contains the genetic blueprints or our ancestors that we will inherit. Including the nature, character, and history of the disease.

Then what would happen if the DNA of people who we do not know their origin and character when mixed with a baby who is still sacred? Obviously the baby will inherit the genetic DNA of the host vaccine.

Have you ever thought if the host's vaccine were selected from people who are outcast, criminals, murderers, rapists, alcoholics, and so forth?

From many sources that have heard so far, research on the virus made to the prisoners to save on research costs, or even maybe it was intentional?

Hazardous chemical substances in the vaccine.
The vaccine contains a dangerous substance that is needed to prevent infection and improve the performance of vaccines. Such as mercury, formaldehyde, and aluminum, which can bring long-term effects such as mental retardation, autism, hyperactivity. Alzheimer's disease, infertility, etc.. In the last 10 years, the number of children with autism increased from between 200-500% in every state in America.

Hazardous chemical substances in the vaccine.
The vaccine contains a dangerous substance that is needed to prevent infection and improve the performance of vaccines. Such as mercury, formaldehyde, and aluminum, which can bring long-term effects such as mental retardation, autism, hyperactivity. Alzheimer's disease, infertility, etc.. In the last 10 years, the number of children with autism increased from between 200-500% in every state in America.